Embarrassing Moments
Love at First Stink
"My little brother and my crush's brother are best friends, so when my crush was coming to pick up his little brother from my house, I decided to go outside and flirt a little. Just as my crush was walking up to me I stepped in dog poop! I tried to hide it by wiping it in the grass, but he said, 'Eww… what smells like crap? Is that you?' It was mortifying!"
Lost and Found
“I had lost my brother on a fairy boat one time so I went looking for him. I found this kid that looked just like him and he had blue shorts on just like him too. I called his name, thinking that he was my brother, but he wouldn't look at me so I walked up to him and slapped his butt. He started screaming and that's when I realized it wasn't my brother! Everyone around me was looking over so I ran away. Oh, and I eventually found my brother!"
Don’t Be Trashy
“I was at an under age dance club with all my friends. I had a new short mini skirt with a belly shirt and I thought I looked so hot in it. My crush asked me to dance! I was so excited. After the dance I was walked over to my friends where they were at the bar drinking sodas. I turned around to look at him and saw him and his friends were all watching me I thought to myself, “Man, I must look really hot tonight.”. My skirt was really short, so when I approached to my friends I carefully went to a stool to sit at the bar. But instead of sitting in a stool I sat in a great big trashcan. My butt fell in the trash and only my arms and legs were out of the trash can. My crush and his friends all laughed! I was so embarrassed, I ran to the bathroom right away."
Don’t Get Your Panties In a Knot!
"I went to church one Sunday and sat in the front with my family. My little brother had to use the restroom so I had to go with him. I ended up going to the bathroom too. When we walked down the aisle we kept hearing snickers coming from people in the pews. I got back to my seat and was about to sit down, I realized my dress was bunched up in my panties. No wonder why everyone was laughing!"
Bus Boogie
"My bus came and my crush was getting on right behind me, so I tried to act cool and shake my butt seductively, but I accidentally slipped and fell on my knees right in front of him and the whole bus! I just got up and walked up to where my friends were laughing, and noticed that everyone including my crush was laughing."
Watch Where You Stick Your Nose!
“This one time I was in the school library looking at some books then, as usual, I got bored then went with my friends to go see some magazines. Well, while browsing through the magazines I saw what I thought was a sample of a perfume. I sniffed it, and it smelled really good! My friends started laughing at me and I did not know why. I turned the page and I saw that the "perfume" I had smelled was scented tampons!!! Then my friends and cracked up and I realized, always check what your going to smell!”
Pay Attention in Class!
“I was sitting in language class and the teacher was reading a boring story. I felt myself drifting off and I fell asleep. When the teacher finally realized I was asleep, she woke me up and I farted really loud. Then all the class ran out because it smelled so bad. It was so embarrassing but in the end every one laughed.”
It's In the Stars! Horoscopes
March 21-April 19
Big projects at school mean you’re crazy busy trying to meet your due dates. The sun will bring you more free time on the 22nd. The only problem is that both your friends and your guy want time alone with you. Your solution? Hit the parties that everyone can go to!
April 20-May 20
Taurus girls usually avoid confrontation, but Mercury will create huge drama for you from April 9 to April 30. You will argue a lot with your BFF and pick fights with your guy. Take time to hang out alone in your room and you’ll figure out how to sort through the weird tension.
May 21-June 20
Watch your back! A jealous girl will start a nasty rumor about you, and on April 23 Mercury will tempt you to lash back by starting an even more scandalous rumor about her. Think twice: Your crush is watching you carefully. Show him you don’t care what people say.
June 21-July 22
Venus will start to heat things up between you and your crush this month! You will spend lots of time hanging out in a group in the beginning of April, but plan an extra special date just for you and him on the 21st. You’ll be calling him your boyfriend soon!
July 23-August 22
On April 10 and 15, the sun will give you an extra boost of Leo courage to experiment with a brand new look! Don’t be afraid to take big fashion risks, because they will pay off! You’ll love your new look and so will your friends—be ready for them to raid your closet!
August 23-September 22
On April 11, Pluto will help you catch your guy in a lie. Your friends have told you to dump him, and now you’re finally ready! He’ll tell you it’s just a misunderstanding, but you need to ditch this loser now. A new and hotter guy will soon be on your radar!
September 23-October 22
When you miss a great party around the 11th, you’ll be bummed to hear friends’ stories of all the cute guys they met. The good news is that you’ll go the next time they hang out. Get excited! Venus will bring you a major makeout session with one of them on the 24th!
October 23-November 21
Clique-y girls are going to stir up serious trouble for you and will convince your BFF that you did something you totally didn't. On the 3rd, the universe will help you to stand up to these bullies and make things right again between you and your friend.
November 22-December 21
You didn’t party much last month, but on the 9th, Mars gives you a reason to wear that dress you’ve been saving for a special guy. You’ll look amazing and the guys will notice! Don’t be surprised if you receive friend requests from a couple of cuties the next day.
December 22-January 19
You’ll complain about feeling bored early in the month, but it won’t last. The sun will prompt you to throw a huge party around the 19th. Make it a huge blowout, and tell your guy friends to bring their cute friends! You will have a blast– and talk to someone with BF potential.
January 20-February 18
You’ve attended tons of parties lately, but when Jupiter and Venus link, you’ll be in the mood for something low-key. Have a girl’s night on the 4th for you and your closest friends. The gossip, the snacks, and movies are exactly what you need! You will get great advice!
February 19-March 20
Neptune will push you to take a romantic risk on April 7; you’ll fall for a guy with a bad rep. You will be surprise by just how much you like him, but don't get too attached-he’s hanging out with other girls. Move on or be prepared to deal with fights that lead to major hurt feelings!